Centralized Intake to Speed the Recovery Process

Centralized Intake to Speed the Recovery Process

A Centralized Intake Process Lets Us Provide Faster Addiction Recovery Support to Our Clients in Need


Every client we work with has a unique set of needs that requires a personalized recovery plan. For many, this means continued support beyond one of our treatment centers where they can create a foundation for long-term recovery. Our safe, caring transitional recovery housing program is set up to do just that.

One of the biggest indicators of successful life-long addiction recovery is how quickly a client begins receiving the support they need to transition back to daily life. The longer it takes for a client to go through the application process, be approved, and then be assigned to a home, the harder it is for that client to transition. And, not coincidentally, the greater their chance of a relapse.

For all of these reasons, The GateHouse recently moved to a centralized intake model. Streamlining our intake process will let us get clients in the door of their transitional recovery homes faster so they can quickly get the support they need.

Cyndi Reinhold is the Centralized Intake Coordinator at The GateHouse. We spoke with her to learn more about the importance of a centralized intake approach and how she’s helping clients quickly get the care they need to successfully transition back to their lives. Here’s what Cyndi had to say.

TGH: First, tell us what transitional recovery housing is at The GateHouse and where in the addiction recovery process someone lives in transitional housing?

CR: Transitional recovery housing at The GateHouse, which we call GateHouse Transitional Living, is one piece of the larger program we’ve created to help people transition back into daily life and do so successfully. After a client’s addiction treatment program is complete, most need additional support to make the transition back to their lives. At this stage, a client can apply to move into a transitional recovery house.

Transitional housing can mean a lot of things in terms of the type of support a client receives. Most go through our 12-step program which includes things like attending group meetings and events with other residents, getting a sponsor, as well as getting the ongoing treatment support they need.

Our goal with transitional recovery housing is to determine what each client needs to transition back and give them the skills and support to do so successfully.

TGH: How does the shift to centralized intake make it easier for a client to get into a transitional recovery house and get the support they need?

CR: The faster we can get a client in our transitional housing program, the better it is for their health and long-term recovery. By moving to a centralized intake model, we’re minimizing the steps they need to take to apply and get into the program.

Each transitional residence has a coordinator. These are clients who have done particularly well in the program and serve as a bridge between The GateHouse and other residents. Previously, the intake process would involve each GTL coordinator. It took a fair amount of time for me and each individual coordinator to meet and determine the best house for each client.

Now, with our centralized approach, I’m able to put each new client in the home that’s best for their particular needs. This frees up the coordinator to focus solely on the house and the clients they’re working alongside. So, not only are clients getting into the transitional house they need faster, they’re getting more attention and support from the coordinator while they’re there.

Another example is our application process. Applicants used to have to come to our administrative building in downtown Lancaster and physically fill out the application. We’re now moving to an online application which is much easier and takes much less time. This should greatly reduce the time it takes us to get a client into transitional recovery housing and get them the support they need.

TGH: How is transitional living at The GateHouse different from other programs?

CR: Someone working to overcome addiction usually lives in a traditional halfway house for about three months. These residences tend to provide a place for someone to live as they transition back to their life, but don’t always focus on community building or other emotional and social aspects of recovery.

At The GateHouse, our residents typically stay with us for longer than three months – most live with us from six months to a year. There’s no shortage of evidence showing the benefits of support for long-term recovery. We want our clients to stay with us until they’re ready to move on, and a longer stay gives them more time to transition at their own pace.

We also recognize, though, that there’s a much greater likelihood of a client successfully living in recovery on their own if they make the transition within 12 months. We don’t push them out before they’re ready, but we also set them up to be ready to transition within their first year.

TGH: Why is community building an important aspect of The GateHouse’s transitional recovery housing program?

CR: We put a large emphasis on community-building at The GateHouse – throughout all of our programs and treatment facilities, not only within our transitional recovery houses.

The support system residents build together is extremely empowering as they work toward beginning a new chapter in their lives. We believe that our clients are more successful when they have a strong community of peers behind them helping them down the path to long-term recovery.

The GateHouse offers transitional recovery housing services through GateHouse Transitional Living for long-term addiction recovery with locations throughout Lancaster County, PA. Cyndi and our entire team would love to help you with your next step in recovery. Reach out to us today!

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